Month: February 2019

BBC Click hearing app technology

BBC Click hearing app technology

Harley Street Hearing’s Operations Director Matthew Allsop contributes to this fascinating episode of BBC’s Click news programme on hearing app technology.

Focusing on the growth and effectiveness of accessibility apps from Google & Ava 24/7, also  hearing aid manufacturer Starkey’s live translation being added to their new hearing technology. 

To view on iplayer click the CLICK logo below.  View from 11 minutes and 33 seconds.

Eats Everything Music

My name is Eats Everything, and I am a DJ/Producer.

I first noticed tinnitus and hearing deterioration in around 2003 I think, it has got ever so slightly worse ever since!

I came to Musicians’ Hearing Services because I had always used over the counter plugs, so I needed some proper ones. They have made a massive difference to my life and I cannot thank you enough for helping me out.

My advice would be to other musicians and DJ’s to get yourself a pair of proper Earplugs as soon as it is humanly possible, otherwise it will be too late. 

 The service from Musicians’ Hearing Services has been absolutely outstanding, Very professional and lovely.


Pete Townshend

I am very pleasantly surprised after my trip to Musicians’ Hearing Services. I have just fitted the monitors that they provided and listened to some music.

With respect to frequency range I seem to be able to hear a lot of high frequency sounds in my right ear, much more than I expected. Brass is brassy, strings are stringy, and I can hear hi-hats in drum kits. These in-ear monitors are fabulous, just as they predicted.

Pete Townshend
The Who

You only get one set of ears…..

You only get one set of ears…..

DJ Eats Everything interview…

“You’ve got to look after your ears. I use ACS custom earplugs. I used to have the AR15s but I got Pro 17s now.”

High-fidelity earplugs allow you to hear the music clearly whilst lowering the volume so you don’t damage your hearing. To many people’s surprise there are affordable (£10+), universal high-fidelity earplugs on the market for music lovers. Like for Dan, custom earplugs are the standard choice for most musicians. These set you back around £130 and include a hearing test, ear moulding and the actual product. The Musicians’ Hearing Health Scheme has been an integral part of making sure musicians are protecting their hearing. Offered by Musicians Hearing Services, in partnership with Help Musicians UK and the Musicians’ Union, any musician who earns their living through the music industry are eligible for discounted custom earplugs.

“I get my earplugs through the Musicians Hearing Services. Yeah it’s really good man. I lose so many pairs as well. I always buy three pairs and then my tour manager has a pair, I have a pair and then there is one at home so when I lose one of them I always have a backup. Then I reorder another pair so there is always three. Safety first!”

The Musicians Hearing Services have been going for over 25 years, working with other prominent artists such as Chris Martin from Coldplay, Bicep and Zane Lowe to protect their hearing. Unfortunately, according to Dan, lots still don’t protect their hearing.

“I’ve seen a few more artists [protect their hearing] but still a lot of them don’t wear them. I’m like what the fuck? They all say they can’t DJ, but you’ve just got to learn. I mean I didn’t really enjoy it at the start but it was just something that I had to do. I’ve been doing it like this for 14-15 years so it’s just totally normal to me now.”

To see the full allears campaign interview click here